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From Overdose Fatality Review

Check out the latest tools, trainings, and news related to overdose fatality reviews and intervention and prevention efforts.

  • Local OFR Profile: New York City, NY

    The NYC RxStat initiative was established in 2012 as an interagency collaboration to create data-driven strategies to reduce prescription overdoses. The public health and public safety-led partnership utilizes data from different agencies to inform overdose prevention efforts.

  • Indian Health Service Information Sharing Guidance

    This resource provides guidance for OFR teams to obtain medical records of a decedent from the Indian Health Service (HIS).

  • Veterans Health Administration Records

    This resource provides guidance for OFR teams to obtain medical and behavioral health records of a decedent from the Veterans Health Administration (VHA).

  • Thriving in Recovery PSA

    This document includes guidance on how to implement the NOK interview process for both the agency employing the NOK and for the NOK interviewer as well.

  • Thriving in Recovery PSA

    Help breakdown the stigma of people who have been impacted by substance use disorder and humanizes recovery.

  • Check out other

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